Special Issue of JJAP (The deadline is extended to Dec. 22, 2023)

Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to submit their original papers on the significant part of their work presented at IWDTF 2023 to the Special Issues of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP). IOP Publishing now publishes JJAP on behalf of The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


Schedule :

The submission deadline is Nov. 30, 2023.The deadline is extended to Dec. 22, 2023

Please visit the following website to register and login for the paper submission.  Paper submission will be available about one week before the conference.



The accepted article will be published online immediately after the usual publication process. The publication of all the articles in the JJAP special issues for this conference is also scheduled in July 2024. These articles will be free to download for 1 year after their respective online publication.


General Information :

Those who wish to submit a paper to the special issue should read the contents of the following webpage for preparing manuscripts.

About the journal :

Author guidelines (Template for JJAP regular papers is available.) :

JJAP editorial policy :

JJAP special issue for this conference is accepting Regular Paper (RP) articles for a keynote, invited, and contributed authors, and Progress Review (RV) articles for keynote and invited authors. It should be noted that you are not eligible for submission to this special issue without your own presentation at the conference.

The submitted paper will be peer-reviewed as an original paper in accordance with the JJAP standards. The paper submitted to the special issue should not be identical to the text of the abstract submitted nor any papers published elsewhere. The content of the paper should be original with new data and/or further discussion. The authors are requested to refer to their corresponding extended abstract of IWDTF2023 in the manuscript.

The submitted paper is strongly expected to be at least 4 printed pages in length and to have no less than 30 references in accordance with the guideline of the JJAP Regular Paper. It is encouraged to cite your own previous papers and sufficient numbers of related papers to clarify the originality of your paper.